Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The oldest railway station i've seen...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


The kids must have become tamer considering the delegation of that board to the upper echleons of the crowded book world. Where no kid can ever see it. They used to keep the comics under the watchful eye of the issue clerk.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007

As straight as it can be..

due to allegations of plagiarism, the comments have been withdrawn. :)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Through the looking glass

The difference between addiction and life.

Friday, March 02, 2007

lost exile..

And thus it comes to pass that I have stooped to competing for post numbers. But we're hoping to have such considerations disregarded, and enjoy the time spent tapping out some stuff, and with it some of the frustration of the day. Apart form the idea of rock and roll bachata, which was a source of much rolling around the floor laughing business. (ref: bachata is some singaporean dance form where one practically has sex with a partner on the dance floor.. in thongs. as I have recently learnt).

disclaimer: there might be some more mush. Considering the flak I got for the post 2 or 3 before this, about creases on a woman's face, I thought this might be appropriate. Anyway, it is quite something to sit across an interview table in a crowded OPD, with a disinterested lady sitting right across and a 100 page thick file with 30 years of follow up notes. She would stretch her free drug card across and ask for meds, and could go home with as little interaction as 'is everything ok?' and a nod to that. Sometimes, in all the crowd and heat, there are moments where u get stuck and are tempted to wonder what this lady really has happening in her mind. A daughter in college, a husband not giving a damn about what she is? the brief mention in the last post was about when such a person would have given up thinking that the world is not really beautiful, and jus something to live on. And maybe not be bothered by it, and smile when u can. heck.. But of course, you're back on top gear cynicism for the next case. Back to ORM, MW, CST. (on regular medication, mantaining well, continue same treatment).

btw, for all the people out there who know ramnathpuram with its absolute cessation of life, it seems the new batch of students are there armed with comps, gprs phones and internet. Hard to think that possible, where the heights of luxury used to be CMOs phone and the coin booth outside where u can have all the local gossip. Wonder if it'll ever be possible to have 6 weeks of absolutely lazy life, 3-4 hours of work on alternate days, experimenting with all the newly learnt skills, cooking in the evenings, cricket with the local kids(and losing at it), badminton in mosquito filled balmy evenings, laughing for reasons enough to guarantee a bed in ward 18(psych), climbing the water tank to see the sunset, climbing the water tank for no reason, getting drunk silly and disturbing the locals with loud music, walking in the paddy fields at night with a small torch and a new found feeling of small fear for all the unfamilar sounds, going to the dam at night. pakodas in the evening, guilt of not reading, sneaking off to pondy for a short refill of civilisation, oustery lake while zooming on the bike, fights over the mess bill, fights for no reason.

life for no reason..

a short bow to that place.
