Thursday, August 31, 2006


Caught myself completely stuck and in a joey-type dysfunctional mode today morning. Story goes like this. I had promised the gym instructor last evening that i will go to the gym twice today, to have got off early to go for an academic programme in the evening. Got up today morning in a half-out-of-sheets-groggy way yearning for coffee in bed and cursing the whole programme where the sun pops up at 7 sharp, and sets things in motion. On those lines I am completely for a nuclear war, with perennial deep winters. Anyway, I digress.. So i was generally feeling woozy and had convinced myseslf that i was unfit to go to the gym, woke up another hour later to realize that was rounds was postponed by an hour. Guilt came up like a tide.../puke, and I ran to the gym to catch a quick work out. Got there to realize that my instructor is going on his morning break. Somehow, instead of staying back and catching up on my work out, i ran back with the excuse of having to read for rounds.

Am not very sure whether there are psychological reports on gym attitudes; but then these days psychologists abound and there is a study on everything. Its not that i don't like going to the gym , and the whole episode got me wondering about what it is that really gets me to the gym. There could be the insecurity-pride continuum, the regularity of a routine, external push from the instructor etc. What seems possible is that the balance between external and internal loci of control for the decision could be upset, and maybe the reason why we vacillate. More curious is the question on a larger scale; whether gym attendance is fostered by a sense of better-being,<:)> or a sense of insecurity. A friend with whom I've had this discussion believes that this is a dichotomous concept and even that it is the latter which prods more gay men to flock to the gym. I should think that we are on a continuum of ego-security(so to speak), and we slide along this at times and both the ends could push us to the gym, a tangible and easy mode to self improvement.

And some of us have the opportunity of being able to lech at the gym.. :)



Quietly Amused said...

couple of things... 1) justify your writing. not in terms of why you write but in terms of sticking it to the margins on both the right and left, notwithstanding your personal preferences. 2) I have advertised on my blog 3)whatver ego centric continuum you're on you've lost me. you go to the gym because a) it's an endorphine rush b) ego takes a good trip c) you need to look good to get some and d) like you said you can lech. (in no specific order of preference.

osho said...

thanks.. will do. Btw, you are begining to think like a surgeon. :) What's with all this reductionism?

vk said...

incidentally... have just read something vagule topical in english, august... there's this bit where the man (august) wonders whether his exercising is a "western" fad... a desire to stay young, that is part of opur colonial baggage. in which case, wouldn't it be a reflection of our colonisedness that we do still exercise? jogging as a metaphor for running away? :-)
