Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Attention inattentives..

The flag was actually held by a wallaby, which was, also made in china.

And so we're back. (And with that i wish I could have had an applause track. there's nothing like parallel ratification of emotions, to push one into docile submission of laughing/crying/being in awe.) The picture and the blog is not planned to sync very well, for all the organization freaks out there. The pic was just one for a wry smile, for the facially non-paralytic. And to ping those who browse through. Wave a blue flag?

Which is not something too far from this something I was thinking about. Well, forced to think about after an argument with a friend who insisted on making a blog into something pre-digested, organised and brought down to the lowest common denominator. Obviously, a personal preference and possibly the product of having made hundreds of useful and effective presentations and arguments. But then again, some of us are crippled by residual Attention deficit disorder (attentionally challenged?) and have our thoughts running all over the place. And also like our inputs in less than perfect organization. I would think that there is something appealing about shifting frames, and random processing, at least out of work and academic reading. And thus, this is a blog for those with attention spans tuned to Tv commercials. [Note: the authors(me and my id) realize the discord between the expected readership and the post lengths, and a progressive shortening can be expected]

Might as well do something useful by dwelling on adult ADHD for a bit. It is reasonably common and there is useful treatment. It is presumably related to problems in development of attentional circuits in the brain. If u want to know if u have the disorder, take a modified Utah scale online. And ask your parents. The medication for this is US FDA approved (relatively safe) and somewhat effective.

And btw, comment moderation has been enabled thanks to some infringement.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Addams family at k c das

How i'd love to be in that glove. The translucent hand of slow sweet death. Wonder why k c das is not yet banned in the land of diabetics. But personally, it is a source of great joy. And cholesterol. But joy.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Koshy's on a saturday morning..

Attempts at photoblogging from phone..

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

breeze from the past..

And we're back. After a long dry spell. Of travails and frustrations i've cribbed unto eternity. so, there will be no more of it.

Except for this small frustration with installing my new phone software onto my computer. All this while I have strictly maintained that windows is a good compromise between the do-it-all-from-scratch Linux type systems and a everything-taken-care-of-gramdmom type OsXs and tigers. But it is at these times that one is forced to admit that it is jus so much more easier to be pampered with a mac. Then again, that would have to wait for another earning decade. Yes, it is slow for us doctors. Eternal penury, happiness in service etc etc. Largely quite a happy scene. It is when it crosses over to servitude that we have problems with it.

Suffice it to say that the last few months have been an immense growing up experience.
These days i look at the creases on an old woman's face, woven with time and effort, and wonder how early she must have realized all these in life. About relationships, self and such. About adolescent boys who give up school and work early.

And about how easy it is to forget all that u learn. And how scary it is to consider the possibility of learning it again through a sad and traumatizing incident.

hail, our infidel memory..
