Wednesday, October 11, 2006

MoKA for the jobless mind.

It all started with another lazy evening (my brain cells have gotten accustomed to 
not doing anything worthwhile after the evening work out; i seriously wonder if its true that one's neocortex is inversely proportional in size to your biceps. Some preliminary observations at the gym seem to suggest it. But then,it maybe that the sample is skewed thanks to a large majority of straight people at the gym). I digress.. ah lazy evening. Was nursing my triceps after work out, with my brain cells slipping into near comatose inactivity and musing on the general futility of natural selection for not having eliminated people who think it appropriate
for a thursday evening psychiatric movie club to have a movie on anterograde amnesia. Much as i like the production idea of Memento, it seems to be the product of a convoluted mind to have inapporpriate editing antics to add to the confusion of a movie with multiple sub-plots and a protagonist (albeit cute)with little short
term memory stores. Eternal sunshine was so much better that way. Anyway more
joblesness would get you to imdb movie search with psychiatric key words and voila, there u have 'the cabinet of dr caligari', 'Kira's reason' and a few hundred
others. Interestingly, there are more search results for 'hypnotic-regression'
(I have no idea what that could be) than 'facial expression'. Maybe a little search program is laughing away at the current movie standards. At some stage I couldn't be but impressed with Imdb for being so savvy as to have multiple categories of each mental disorder classified neatly and the movies sorted 
with it. Turns out that its all the power of MoKA (movie keyword analyzer). But it seems a tad bit too much to have games with it. But of course, like reality TV,
people who crib about it are those who have had time to waste watching it.

hail MoKA.. and the jobless minds


1 comment:

Quietly Amused said...

50 first dates? If we're doing memento.